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Loose Ends Quote Page
Ramon: Let's Trump Rowena.
Rowena: I'm here.
Valentine: I'll throw my sword at one and dodge the laser blasts and take one of their guns and start shooting.
Ramon: I think you should fire all your guns at once and explode into space.
Lewis: I wax wroth.
Rowena: Billl Roth objects to that.
Lewis: I look under the bar for nuts.
GM: What's Ramon doing?
Ramon: I screw farm animals until I get a Trump call.
Ramon: Describe the inside of the ship to me.
Valentine: You are inside the ship.
Lewis: He only bought "draw Trump from memory".
Valentine: So, what you're going to do with Caine...will it hurt?
Xenofal: No.
Valentine: Can you make it hurt?
Valentine: Ramon, did you do something with a fake corpse of Rowena?