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Loose Ends Quote Page
Lewis: Can I summon grass?
Rowena: Monster Summoning 0: You get grass.
Lewis: Why do we need Lewis?
Rowena: We have a Pattern we need bled on.
Rowena: All right! We need to evacuate! Everybody outside or into the Pattern room!
Lewis: In the event of a water landing...
Lewis: I erase the Shadow and use what's left to create a Walkman.
Lewis: That's the flaw in this system.
Rowena: That you need to destroy an entire universe to create a Walkman?
Lewis: No, not that.
Lewis: I perform a bunch of similar experiments involving cassette tapes.
Ramon: I'm impressed. You used 'I' correctly. Lots of my co-workers abuse 'myself'.
Lewis: I abuse myself.
GM: Do you have any reason to dislike Ramon?
Lewis: He punched me in the stomach, stepped on my neck, and had Merlin attack me when I was trying to defend him.
GM: OK, besides that.
Lewis: All they're trying to do is blow up the castle.
Rowena: I'm not trying to blow up the castle.
Ramon: Neither am I. I have people for that.