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2/2/2000: The First All-Even-Numbers Date in Over 1,000 Years*

Rowena: "[Ramon] knows I'm going to kick his ass when I meet him again."

Valentine: "Who are you making cry?"
Lewis: "A ghost child."
Valentine: "Does Valentine know? That's where Valentine draws the line."

Xenofal: "Flora, now, during your daughter's coming out party, I've decided to come out... of the closet."
GM (as Xeno): "This pink tutu is the traditional battle dress of the Klacketu!"

Rowena: "He comes out of the closet and the first thing he does is play around with Merlin's device."

Xenofal: "Well, I could summon up a chicken, but that would require a chicken."
GM: "No, that would require an egg; to summon an egg would require a chicken."
Valentine: "See, you thought that "Eternal Cycle of Poultry" wouldn't come in handy..."
Lewis: "That'd be a good thing to base an Amber campaign on: 'The Eternal Cycle of Poultry.'"
Rowena: "Benedict! The castle's been overrun with chickens!"

GM: "You step on the pattern, walk walk walk, you come to the First Veil, push push push, well that wasn't so bad, you go through some switchbacks, walk walk walk, you come to the Second Veil, push push push <grunt> urgh, but that wasn't so bad either, walk walk walk, you come to the Grand Curve, push push push struggle struggle grunt, that was tough, well no it wasn't, and you're done."

Lewis: "I disguise myself as Lewis."
GM: "You disguise yourself as Lewis?"
Lewis: "Yes, then I disguise myself as Martin."

Messalina: "What's with the white hair?"
Valentine: "Just a new look, new season, you know..."
Messalina: "Flu season?!?"

GM: "She does a lap around it, looking it over--"
Lewis: "On all fours?"
Valentine: "Have you been reading my diary?"

Valentine: "You can take this with you, or there's a guest room upstairs where you can change."
Lewis: "...with a portrait of Oberon with the eyeholes poked out."
GM: "He doesn't need it, he has the pattern lens, he's a pattern-peeping tom."

Xenofal: "He is a Shaman, of the Garak people."
Valentine: "The Carrot people?!?"

*According to Nate (Valentine)

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