Session 8

Grace pushed the Lion, the Shark, and the new prize ship through the night arriving at Amber's port just as dawn broke. Amber's navy was used to ships coming in damaged with prisoners. As soon as the lookouts spotted the pirate prize, a contingent of marines was on hand to take care of the prisoners.
    Grace had an immediate priority: returning to Torn to collect Memphis survivors, if any, from the battle.  Grace hastily wrote a report of what happened and sent it to Martin and a copy to Marshal Caitlin. Remembering Queen Eleanor's kindness in including her in the Feast of the Unicorn, Grace added a letter of apology for her inability to attend the party after all.
    Unfortunately, the Mary Rose was out on a training cruise. That would have been an impressive ship to overwhelm the pirates quickly. Grace instead ordered the Antelope made ready. As the Antelope pulled out of the harbor, the lookouts spotted plumes of smoke in Garnish.
    At Torn, the pirate ships were barely visible in the distance, there was no time to both chase them down and collect survivors still on Torn. Getting the survivors back seemed more of a priority as did finding out what was happening in Garnath. Much as it galled her to let pirates go, Grace ordered the Antelope back to Amber after the survivors were on board seemed to be the most sensible alternative.
    On arriving back in Amber, it became clear that there was heavy fighting in Garnath. Grace decided to collect what marines were not needed for prisoner guarding duty and drew them off to back up the Amber troops fighting in Garnath. As Grace's small force approached the fighting, it became clear that the Amber forces were retreating. Grace received instructions from  Marshal Caitlin to return to the city and set the marines to manning the walls. There was a very large army approaching the city.
    On returning to the city, Grace shored up the city's defenses positioning the available frigates where they would do the most good in supporting the city's defenders against an invading army.